Who knew I had this many FO's to post? This is my Irish Hiking Scarf, from my very first handspun. This was before I knew about blending those two colors while I was spinning! The roving was from someone off ebay, not that I remember who that was. It was okay, but nothing like the alpaca I got this summer, but that's fodder for another day. Easy knit, but I really do get bored with scarves. I have a harder time keeping track of what I'm doing on a scarf than I do with anything else. Maybe it's because on a bigger piece you tend to memorize the pattern faster, because you're knitting more of it. Does that make any sense? I kind of steamed the crap out of this, well actually I kind of ironed the crap out of it, so it's a bit flat. Hey, it's MY learning curve!
Hi, Theresa! I just got your comment on my blog and came to visit. Nice to meet another SC girl, especially one who knits and spins!
Nice scarf. I want to make one, but it hasn't been much of a winter here in Charleston.
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