This is what we awoke to on Friday morning, at the Inn. It was quite the winter wonderland, but for cripe's sake, it's almost April. This is the south, people, get with it. The good thing about the snow is that it was at the high altitudes, so by the time we hit Waynesville, it was history. Now let me tell you about our stay. I could tell my sister was creeped out by the place when we got there. It's imposing and old, and it looks like the perfect setting for a ghost story.

It is supposedly haunted, in fact, that's how we first heard about it. It was featured on Haunted Hotels on the travel channel, and we drove up there one afternoon last spring to have a look around after seeing the show. We were intrigued, and went back again last summer. We stayed 2 doors down from the famous Room 205, but we didn't see or hear anything. We did however, find that our door would be open in the morning, and one afternoon after a nap. Not just unlocked, after we locked it, but actually open. We chalked it up to tilted floors, etc. Hey, I didn't want to push the issue! I did feel uneasy while we were there that time, but I still had fun. By the way, they have best coffee and a great breakfast. Okay, back to the current story. We were given Room 332, on the third floor, above the staff quarters. There was a party type thing going on there Thursday night - local eateries brought there goods for some kind of contest. You can tell I didn't pay too much attention to the whole thing. I heard $35 per person, and quit listening. We went into Waynesville and ate at an Irish pub, and drove back. It was snowing when we got back, and the festivities were winding down. As soon as we got to our room, there was a flash in one of the dormer windows. From outside. And then another. I immediately thought that someone must have been taking a picture out front. My sister said it must have been lightning. Hmm, we waited, no thunder. We cautiously looked out the window - no snow truck light, just black. No thunder. And then I remembered, we were on the third floor. If someone had taken a picture (or anything) it would have flashed in one of the other 4 windows, but it hadn't. Just the one window. My sister said it was in the upper half of the window, and it was a yellowish light, not white. Okay, weird, but we didn't spend much time worrying about it. We were all tired, but it was apparent that the only one who was going to sleep was John. His allergies had gone wild as soon as we got back, and he had taken medication. My niece had a major allergy attack a bit later (midnight?) and I knew when I started counting the seconds between her sniffs that I wasn't going to be able to sleep. I padded out to their room, and the three of us sat there and yakked and knitted. We were just sitting there on the twin beds, with one light on between the beds, and the light behind me (in THE dormer window) came on. It didn't make a sound, it just came on. Not one of us would get out of bed, we just calmly announced that yes, the light did just come on. My sister said it was exactly 3:30am. No big deal, we kept talking (we do some things very well) and at exactly 3:50am, the light went off. Okay, now that was weird. When I think about it now, it's funny to me, because we were very calm. I think if just one of us had freaked, we would have been sitting in the car all night! I think we all managed to sleep for an hour or two, and in the morning we checked out the light and the window. Here are the pictures of THE window and light:

It looks the world to me like there is someone sitting on the cushion, don't you think? No orbs, though, so who knows.
On a knitting note, we stopped in Dillsboro, NC at one of the few yarn stores I know of in the area. Yes, there were purchases made, but they are a secret - for now. We also did some shopping in Asheville, NC, and I found two yarn stores there! At the Earth Guild, I bought Stephanie's first book (again, I'm always at the end of the line) and have been laughing over it. In fact, I was reading it to my sister and niece when the ghost light came on that night. Hmmmmm, maybe someone else found it amusing, too. The other store was Purls Yarn Emporium. Was there another? I think there may have been! I like seeing all the yarn, and touching it, but I always seem to buy my yarn online. I did find that I really liked some Debbie Bliss Cashmerino (chunky, I think) in an eggplanty color. Very nice.
Here's the Wool Peddler's Shawl after it was gifted. I really like this shawl, even though it made me tear my hair out when I got to the lace pattern.

Big week ahead here - dentist appt. (kill me now), hair appt., and 2 shows. I'm already looking forward to my next week off!
Pretty photos. It's been a bit nippy here in Charleston, but the flowers are coming.
Very nice shawl.
Nippy in North Augusta, too! It is supposed to be in the upper 70s by the weekend, though. Face it, we'll be fussing about the heat and humidity soon enough! :-)
Interesting ghost stories tehre, Theresa!
that's so weird... I would have been freaking out... I am so scard of stuff like that. I saw The Ring about 3 years ago and it still freaks me out to think about it....
The Wool Peddler's Shawl is lovely... totally worth the hair tearing.
Very interesting ghost stories, beautiful shawl!
Good luck at the dentist! I love mine, he's great. I almost invited him to my wedding we love him so much....
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