In other news, it's raining here. Cool, watery stuff falling from the clouds overhead. Heaven be praised. Now we can really turn up the volume on the pollen count.
On the knitting front. Well. Knitting. Hmmm. I am thinking about ordering the Old Friend Pullover pattern from Peace Fleece, and doing it in Andes from KnitPicks. I wouldn't pay $71.00 for a casual sweater, and I'm certainly not going to knit one, hence the Andes. I like it, so sue me. I just wish it came in a heathered version.
On the sewing front, NEWS! I am making a baby quilt for a co-worker, and I'm loving it!

Hmmm...I don't know that you can do a separate page for the 100 things. You could set up a free web site through Yahoo or somebody and post your 100 things there. Then, just put a link in your blog sidebar to that list.
Thanks for your note this morning re. comments. I think I have that problem fixed now.
I put my separate pages in the archives, but then I still link it on the sidebar (I did that for "tutorials"). There are no separate pages for Blogger.
To pick up what amy lu said, I write a post but date it to something before I actually started blogging, and then make a link to that post in my sidebar.
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