My camera has made it's way back home, and I was able to download the pictures from my Atlanta trip. But before we go there, let's see how far I've gotten on Thermal.
Yes, that's it. I'm working on the endless mistake rib stitch. I swear I must have knit about 10" of it so far, but it's not even to 2". Some people are already up to the neck shaping! I've been working on the ribbing for 3 days now. sigh.
Okay, on to our trip. Here's the beautiful view out our window.
It may look uninspiring to you, but check out the CNN building in the first picture. Yes, it made it all worthwhile. (CNN? I think it's a channel on TV.)
We went to see Sylvia Browne. All I can say is Save Your Money and watch her on TV. The TV performances are better.
The shopping didn't disappoint though. We hit the Lenox Mall that night, and IKEA the next. Now let's talk about cab fares. Hello! $40 a pop, to and from the mall. Let's all thank Pam for picking the fruit off her money tree before she left home. Thanks Pam!
We ate a a diner near the hotel, really nice, good food and service. I think it was called the Landmark Diner, but I could be wrong. Get a load of the plasma TV in the diner. A plasma TV in a diner? Who knew? (Pam is the one who looks like she is wetting her pants. Wait, she probably was!)
Here's where the rats run to when you startle them on the sidewalk:
Very large, well-fed rats.
Here we are at Ted Turner's Montana Grill. No, I didn't try the buffalo. I settled for a basic beef hamburger. And a Lemon Drop Martini. Alanna had one also, and wasn't able to put the lid back on the ketchup after that. Lightweight.
Did I mention that it was colder than a well digger's auger? We had to drink to keep warm.
Here I am pretending to own this car. I'd tell you what it is, but I can't spell it. Everyone and his brother was getting his picture taken next to it. I was half expecting some big bodyguard to come over and arrest me. Okay, so I was hoping . . .
I've got to take pictures of the nursery set I'm working on (yes Amanda, I'll get there!) and the other knitting projects I'm finishing up.
Happy knitting to all, and to all a good night.
Ah, that would be the Lamborghini Murcielago, instantly I.D.'d by my 14-year old son. Where would a country boy get such notions? I don't think it would make it over most of the gravel roads 'round these parts (but it would be a lot of fun on the hilly, curvy paved roads!).
Next time you're there, try the buffalo. It is delicious.
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