Yes, Hell did freeze over. It happened at 5:15pm on Monday, November 19. John and I finally got married. Very anti-climatic, if I do say so myself. I have been calling him husband since then, just to bug him. I do so love to bug him! He's taking it all very well, considering I am probably the most obnoxious bride you will ever meet. We honeymooned at Longhorn Steak House in Tifton, and then went home to our castle. I did have a mojito to commemorate the occasion.
In other news, this

is now this

I usually tell everyone that John tried to push me down the courthouse steps before we got married, but in reality I think I tore the ligaments when I fell off the stepstool at home. In any case, I'm going for the sympathy vote tomorrow when it's time to clean up. ha!
Is actually feels much worse since I've been wearing the boot. A co-worker said her Mom said the same thing. Is it just us, or does everyone's foot feel worse when wearing this butt ugly thing? I can tell you that my self-image took a nosedive when I put it on. It makes me look old, doesn't it?
What a way to start the holidays! Congrats.
Better the boot than surgery. Been there, done that and it works. Just don't think about the fashion statement. Hope it heels quick.
Congrats although sorry about your foot. A co-worker tore liagments in her foot last year, and it's no fun.
Well, I suppose that the boot is better than a cast, at least you can take a shower easier! Congratulations on the marriage thing.
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