I just ran across this promotion, so I googled it and apparently it's legit. It's for a free Senseo Coffee Pod System. You fill out a short questionnaire, and then wait to see if you qualify. I filled my questionnaire out yesterday, and today I was approved. You pay $15 for the shipping, but one blog said the box weighed 9 lbs., so it's worth it. I was really leery, so I spent some time googling around to see what other people had to say about it. The promotion was run last year too, so there is plenty of feedback on the internet. The shipping takes 4-6 weeks, so I'll let you know what happens.
PS - Never brag that you haven't been sick in ages. The germs are listening.
Update: I also found this free offer for tea pods. Use this code: 8288-8781588
HUH? i'll have to check it out. . . thanks for the link!
I filled out my questionaire. I can't wait to see if I qualified. Thanks so much for telling me about this at our S'n'B.
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