Okay, back to the drinking and knitting. This past Saturday a group of us met in Macon to knit. No, the drinking came later, in the form of hitting a liquor store. Okay, not hitting, as in hitting, but merely stopping buy to make a few purchases. Stay tuned. I think the entire group belongs to the Purling Peaches group on Ravelry. I had only ever driven THROUGH Macon before, so Kathy, armed with her trusty map, navigated while I steered. We met at a very charming coffee shop called Joshua Cup. What a neat place. Not only did they have the usual coffee/tea/chai thing going on, but they had real food, too. We stayed quite a while, and even though they might have been annoyed, they were very good at not showing it. Thanks, folks at Joshua Cup!

Making my salad!
They have REALLY great salads there, too. I got the Chicken with Raspberry Vinaigrette Salad, which I forgot to take a picture of, naturally. It had chicken, some type of candied pecans, blueberries, manadarin oranges, greens, strawberries, almonds, um, was there anything else? Oh yeah, crumbled bleu cheese with raspberry vinaigrette dressing. And toasted raisin bread, which I gave to Nicole and Regina. No raisin bread for me. yuck.
Here's a shot of the group. Sorry the pictures are so crappy. I blame it on the camera. This isn't the entire group, but a shot from early on in the day.
This is where Kathy is daring Nicole and her free yarn cowl to get up on the table and dance. C'mon Nicole, I'll give you five bucks. Nicole wearing her quite dashing cowl, made from free yarn. Nicole must look like a charity case, because she gets quite a bit of free yarn. Really good yarn. We hate her. (update: we don't really hate her. And she said she wins the yarn through blog contests. Oh, suuurrreeee)
Hazel showing us her nifty dpn cases.
Hey look Ma, I can put my dpn's in their case and not disturb my sock! Seriously folks, how cool is that?
Here is the exact same shot as the first one! Left to right: Hazel, Nicole, Regina, Jenny, Shannon and Kathy.
And our most shy member of the group, Suzy. The woman RUNS from the camera - ha-ha! She made this gorgeous wrap and knew we would appreciate it. I had to try it on, naturally! It's wonderful, but if I make one I'd have to find someplace cold to wear it. Maybe Piggly Wiggly would let me hang out in the meat locker for a while?
The shy and timid Suzy, fondling someone's yarn (probably free yarn of Nicole's) and Ashleigh, knitting something purple. What was that again? (update - it's a Kittyville hat!)
And yes, she seems to be getting over her camera shyness.
This is Shannon's creation - beautiful, soft, fuzzy felted purse with a boucle flower. Very cool. Like Shannon.
Nicole and Regina showing off their handknitted hats. Sorry about the sun folks. It is Georgia, after all. Or maybe, just maybe, they were touched by an angel . . .
Nicole with her entrelac headband. Probably made from some free yarn someone gifted her. Again.
Close-up shot of the headband. It's so neat!
Jen's cotton knitted lace from Melanie Falick's Weekend Knitting. She was actually talking and knitting this. My Lord woman, I could barely knit a dishcloth while I was there. Wait, that's right, Kathy couldn't even do that! Sorry Kath, had to do it.
Here Jen is thinking, "Look at those two dummies across from me, making mistakes on their lame dishcloths! I am the queen of this cotton thing!"
It's hard to knit while meeting new people, eating, drinking, fondling yarn, and exclaiming over finished (and unfinished) projects. Kathy did manage an abbreviated dishcloth (for small scrubbing) and I managed to finish my plain Jane one. Wow, and I've been knitting for 30 years. Sad, but true.
Almost forgot - the liquor part came when Kathy and I had (HAD) to stop at a liquor store to replenish our supplies. You see, our county doesn't sell the stuff. No. liquor. in. Tift. county. Go figure. But we didn't drink it. Yet.
Your knitting group makes some neat stuff! I tried knitting but it was a mess. Not my thing. Thanks for the encouragement on my belly girls. I've had some new ideas for them and I think I am going to try and sell them on Etsy soon!
You are too much! The yarn wasn't necessarily gifted --- it all was won from blog contests. I'm glad you had as much fun as I did.
It was the beginning of yet another Kittyville Hat (this is the last one for a while, though, and it's a damned good thing, too). At present, it's only missing its pompoms and ears, so it should be finished by today and then I can start the Quant that Nicole inspired me to make. That thing looks fabu, doesn't it?
Wow! What a trip. You have a very interesting group. We might be a little slow, but we like our liquor here in SC. Not a dry county any where.
Looks like a fun trip. I don't have a local knitting group but wish I did.
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