Image Source: OCMPI
A high school teacher from the area took them to feed to something else - lizards, perhaps. It's all very bizarre, I know. The worst part was when she came into work this morning and said, "I brought my roaches to work, and (handing over a muffin pan) I baked these muffins this morning!" Wow, roaches and muffins in the same sentence. I think I'll pass.
In other news, I think I want to get a tee-tiny cupcake tattoo to cover a Gemini tatto I have on my wrist. The tat hides underneath my watch, so I don't consider a big deal, but my husband thinks I'm the antiChrist. Bless his pointy little head.
I did get some early birthday presents this week - mostly the fiber kind! And a great supper at Longhorns. Did I really attempt to eat that gigantic dessert?? I didn't take a picture of it, but there are plenty on Flickr - google Chocolate Stampede, and hold on to your horses!
I take it you got that cockroach picture from somewhere else and didn't take it yourself. Creepy!
I'm glad you passed on the muffins. And that's saying something, since I seldom if ever pass on muffins. However, when they are discussed in the same sentence as cockroaches, I'm with you!
Don't cover up the Gemini tat mom but go ahead and get the cupcake one. Just tell John if he wants it covered to buy you more jewelry.
Why would anyone want roaches? Were they pets? I love Grace's quilt!
Your boss is a very brave lady. I couldn't even get close to them. I'm with you scratch the muffins.
But, but, there's no picture of the tattoo!?!?
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