Okay, I wasn't done telling you about Ohio, but I wasn't staying a minute over at work to keep writing the entry. Wow, that sounds really bad, doesn't it? Don't tell my boss.

The weather was windy and cloudy and wonderful! The flags were whipping around like crazy, and there were whitecaps on the lake.
I don't have any pictures of us at the cottage, laying under the vanity in the master bedroom, trying to stem the flow of water from a broken pipe. Did I mention it was after midnight when it happened? If I did have pictures, and tried to post them, I would no long be living. If you think your female relatives are crazy about not getting their pictures taken, you should meet mine. I'm lucky they haven't thrown me and my camera into the lake yet.

This is my niece, who only made the trip from Jacksonville, Florida to get a cherry dip cone. You just can't find cherry dip in most places in the south. The child went as far as to call around when she was living in Savannah, and found that the closest cherry dip DQ was in Beaufort, SC. That's a craving with a capital C. She was most happy to have this cone!
These are the flowers in the window box at the cottage. I always knew the Lake Erie water was dangerous - look at the size of those things!! They're freaking mutants!! And this is in October - I can't even get my flowers to grow that big in South Georgia. Something is very wrong here.

These are the scary steps down to the beach in back of the cottage. I can remember steps like these when we were kids, and my aunt would rent a cottage at the lake in the summer. As frightening as they were back then, they're a hell of a lot more scary now. Especially the thought of climbing back up them!

Please continue to humor me with this post. I LOVE this picture of the lake! It was a wonderful fall day, and the sun and clouds playing on the water was beautiful!

On the way back home we drove through Youngstown, and past the steel mills, where both of our grandfathers worked, back in the day. Yes, it's as depressing as it looks - always has been.

Wrapping things up, we drove past our dearly departed Grandma's house, where my Uncle Vinnie lives now. We did it just because we were feeling nostalgic, and wouldn't you know - there was Uncle Vinnie, mowing the lawn. No, we didn't stop, because we didn't call first, but we were crass enough - okay, I was crass enough - to take a picture of him and post it here. Hi Uncle Vinnie, you're on Candid Blogging!!
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