Sunday, June 18, 2006

Birthday Goodness & Knitting Accomplished

The birthday thing just keeps going and going! Here are some goodies from my MI sister.I use the juice purse for my Lean Cuisine toting. They fit right in! So hungry, yet so fashionable. The packets are Chai tea (which I drink hot, so will be saving for winter!) and a package of H2O goodies. I LOVE their stuff. It all smells so good. What didn't make it in the picture was a spray bottle of foot refresher (not that my feet stink or anything!) Shannon made it herself. She does a lot of that! She's a licensed medical massage therapist, and only uses all that pure and good for you stuff. If you live in the Holland, MI area, you owe yourself a massage by her (from her?) I've only had one massage in all my 29 years, and she gave it to me. My god, I couldn't walk afterwards. Sex is so over-rated once you've had a good massage. The best part of all this is that she has FINALLY started her own blog. Now if she'd only update it . . . Go here to meet her: Shannon, Theresa's sister!. The pressure is on for the other sisters to start blogging. Go, sisters, go. Blog, sisters, blog.
The Market Bag is finished! Almost. It downstairs waiting to have it's handle kitchener stitched together. It really was easy, but every time I forgot to pay attention to the 4 row stitch pattern, I had to rip it all out and start over. Duh. I will take a picture (soon, yeah) and show you how absolutely cute it is.
In the meantime, I rec'd my Wool of the Andes and started the PeaceFleece Old Friend Pullover.. I really liked the Peace Fleece yarn, but I wasn't about to spend $75+ dollars for wool on a pattern that I had never made before. I figure if I don't like the pattern when it's done, someone I know will. Like one of my kids! It's a great pattern because it's nothing but stockinette. I knit during lunch, while walking and listening to Cast-On, I knit while watching X-Men at the movies Friday night. Mindless, easy knitting. I will finish up the shoulder/neck shaping on the front tonight, and will start the back tomorrow while walking, listening to Cast-On. Again. Have I mentioned that I love that podcast? She's funny, sassy, sarcastic and she's a bit of a whiner. God, I love that. I've tried a few other knitting podcasts, but none have come close to pleasing me. Wow, I'm a bit of a whiner, too, aren't I?
The gardenias are still in full bloom. Sometimes I get a whiff of them, and it's like you're transported to some old Southern time and place. It's as though they trigger some memory you just can't put your finger on. Almost like deja vu for something that has never occurred in your life. Does anyone know what I mean, or am I just crazy? Hmmm, no personal opinions on me, please!


Donna said...

I know what you mean about gardenias. They also remind me of childhood. My grandma had the BIGGEST gardenia bush in her backyard.

Shannon said...

Alright already! I updated! Gee Sis, you spoke so highly of me...I almost didn't know who you were talking about! hee hee Ok, go visit my page now! Hey, did I leave the price tag on the H2O or is that a barcode?

Catching Up

First things first - you might have noticed I've changed the name of the blog. Knitting NonPareil was appropriate at one time, but I don...